суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

exe to flash converter

240 pounds Gotta love a scale that goes down :)

So now that Im looking better and better and S is totally out of my life, the search for a new Daddy and Dom truly begins (i felt weird really looking while still pining for S; now that i know all hopes gone, i can move on)

Met J this morning and meeting F soon. J and i are in similar relationship situation, F might have a prob but we will see. It would be great to meet someone whos both daddy and dom but i know thats a longshot. I never met 1 beofre, whats to say i can meet 1 now? although one never knows, does one?�:)

todays food:� i was a bit bad... Had tuna and 2 pieces of bread for breakfast
a bit too much chicken and rice for lunch
2 apples and almonds an hr ago
im hungry today� J and i are having dinner at applebees-- he knows about my diet and effort to lose weight... Lets see how he is about wnforcing stuff

i think im loving life again�:)�

dump rugby tackle, exe to flash converter, exe to scr, exe to screen saver, exe to screensaver.

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